Machinery Botnia Bolt’s machinery is at a high level, and we regularly invest in new and modern equipment to better meet customer needs, both in terms of machinery and software. Lathes DMG Mori NLX2500/700 2 chucks – 1:1rotating tools on Y-axisspindle bore ø 100sub-spindle bore ø 65 DMG MORI CTX BETA 1250 TC 4A 5 axesspindle bore ø 1002 chucks – 1:1120 tools DMG MORI NZX 2000 2 chucks – 1:1rotating toolsdual tool turretsLNS bar feederspindle bore ø 65 MORISEIKI NZ-2000 T2Y2 spindle bore ø 65 mm 2 chucks – 1:1, same size2 tool turrets with rotating tools bar feeder LICO LNT36 spindle bore ø 35 mmrotating tools 4 tools at the same time 3 rear machining tools bar feeder LICO LNT65S spindle bore ø 65 mm2 revolvers with rotating tools 4 tools at the same timebar feeder FEMCO DURGA 25E bar feeder ø 52 mmuniversal machine, quick setupsbar feederturret PUMA DAEWOO230C spindle bore ø 75ø 250 mm (three back chucks 10″)subspindlerotating tools HYUNDAI KIA SKT28 spindle bore ø 65 mmturretbar feeder HYUNDAI KIA SKT300 spindle bore ø 85ø 300 mm, 20 kg (three back chucks 12″)turret HYUNDAI KIA SKT21 SY spindle bore ø 60rotating toolsY-axissubspindle Milling Machines Okuma GENOS M560-V-e vertical milling machine12 000 rpmspindle taper size 40table size 1300×560 MORI SEIKI NH4000 DCG (3 in total) horizontal machining center 400x400x600 14 000 rpmspindle taper size 40 60 toolsfull indexing on the B-axis SUPERMAX YCM-FV85A vertical milling machine10 000 rpmspindle taper size 40table size 800×500 OKUMA GENOS M560-V-E vertical milling machine15 000 rpmspindle taper size 40table size 1300×560 Cutting BANDSAW KASTO SSB A2 fully automatic bandsawing machinevertical saw blade BANDSÅG MEBA 330A fully automatic bandsawing machine